
Running e2e tests

We have automated e2e tests which ensure the quality of our deliverable; CRC, and system bundle.


End-to-end (e2e) tests borrow code from Clicumber package to provide basic functionality for testing CLI binaries. This facilitates running commands in a persistent shell instance (bash, tcsh, zsh, Command Prompt, or PowerShell), assert its outputs (standard output, standard error, or exit code), check configuration files, and so on. The general functionality of Clicumber is then extended by CRC specific test code to cover the whole functionality of CRC.

How to run

First, one needs to set the following flags in Makefile, under e2e target:

  • --pull-secret-file
    absolute path to your OpenShift pull secret.
  • --bundle-location
    if bundle is embedded, this flag should be set to --bundle-location=embedded or not passed at all
    if bundle is not embedded, then absolute path to the bundle should be passed
  • --crc-binary
    if crc binary resides in $GOPATH/bin, then this flag does not need to be passed
    otherwise absolute path to the crc binary should be passed.

To start e2e tests, run:

$ make e2e

How to run only a subset of all e2e tests

Implicitly, all e2e tests for your operating system are executed. If you want to run only tests from one feature file, you have to override GODOG_OPTS environment variable. For example:

make e2e GODOG_OPTS="--godog.tags='@basic && @windows'" BUNDLE_LOCATION="--bundle-location=<bundle location>" PULL_SECRET_FILE="--pull-secret-file=<pull secret path>"

Please notice @basic && @windows, where @basic tag stands for basic.feature file and @windows tag for e2e tests designed for Windows.

How to test cert rotation

On linux platform first stop the network time sync using:

$ sudo timedatectl set-ntp off

Set the time 2 month ahead:

$ sudo date -s '2 month'

Start the crc with CRC_DEBUG_ENABLE_STOP_NTP=true set:

$ CRC_DEBUG_ENABLE_STOP_NTP=true crc start


Test logs can be found in test/e2e/out/test-results.