Failed to add the user to the libvirt group in Fedora Silverblue

If you are trying to use CRC on Fedora Silverblue, you might get following error.

crc setup fails to add the user to the libvirt group.

This is a longstanding bug in Fedora Silverblue where the system groups in /usr/lib/group are not reflected in /etc/groups. As a result, the libvirt group does exist after libvirt is installed, but the user cannot be added to said group via crc.

Users can manually work around this issue by copying the libvirt group info in /usr/lib/group to /etc/groups:

grep -E '^libvirt:' /usr/lib/group | sudo tee -a /etc/group



Thanks @adambkaplan for creating issue and providing the workaround #2402