We will be creating a single-node cluster for MicroShift.
Once you’ve downloaded and installed CRC on your machine, you’re ready to use CRC by creating a cluster. MicroShift is not the default cluster type that would be created when no explicit configuration is provided.
In order to instruct CRC to create a MicroShift cluster, we need to update CRC configuration:
$ crc config set preset microshift
Set up environment for your cluster
Before starting cluster, you need to prepare your machine for creating a Virtual Machine. MicroShift cluster would be started
inside that Virtual Machine. In order to do that use crc setup
Open a terminal with a user account with administrator access (but not logged in as root user) and run:
$ crc setup
Start your cluster
Once you’ve set up environment for your MicroShift cluster, you can go ahead and start it.
$ crc start
Deploy a sample application to your MicroShift cluster
Create a sample deployment and expose it on port 8080:
$ oc create deployment hello-crc --image=registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/httpd-24 $ oc expose deployment hello-crc --type=NodePort --port=8080 $ oc expose svc/hello-crc
Wait for application pod to become ready and access application via route:
$ oc get routes $ curl http://hello-crc-default.apps.crc.testing